Referencie | Predaj s Petrou
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+421 911 993 822
Michaela Schwartzova
Predaj bytu s Petrou Imrichovou bol na 1*. Profesionalita, nadčasovosť, úprimnosť, dôslednosť a promptné vybavenie. Perfektné spracovanie videa a popisu bytu určite veľmi pomohlo ku nájdeniu serióznych kupujúcich. Odporúčam všetkými desiatimi a teším sa na ďalšiu spoluprácu.

Miki Hybala
Vysoká profesionalita, ochota, samé pozitíva.

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High professionalism, willingness, all positives.

Lucia Ondrejova
Dobry den,
Pani Petre davam 5 ☆ je to max co mozem dat, zasluzila by si aj 10. Vrelo odporucam spolupracu s pani Petrou, ochota, rychlost, znalost, pomoc, na 100%. V podstate som nepotrebovala ist na ziaden urad, dostala som aj plnu podporu a pomoc co sa tyka hypoteky na byt, taktiez bez uradov, vsetko prebehlo v poriadku a rychlo.Chcem dodat ze som polovicu veci poriesila cez telefonat a emaily,pretoze zijem V irsku, na Slovensko som prisla uz iba podpisat papiere a pockat na rozhodnutie z bank. Za dva tyzdne som mala aj pozicku (zahranicny prijem) a kluce od bytu :). Odporucam spolupracu aj rodakom zo zahranicia,nicoho sa nemusite bat, pani Petra ma skvely team,ktory Vam pomoze z financovanim.

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Good day,
I give Mrs. Petra 5 ☆ is the maximum I can give, she deserves a 10. I warmly recommend cooperation with Mrs. Petra, willingness, speed, knowledge, help, 100%. Basically, I did not need to go to any office, I also received full support and help regarding the mortgage for the apartment, also without offices, everything went smoothly and quickly. I want to add that I solved half of the matter via phone calls and emails, because I live in Ireland , I only came to Slovakia to sign papers and wait for a decision from the banks. In two weeks, I also had a job (foreign employment) and the keys to the apartment :). I also recommend cooperation to people from abroad, you don't have to worry, Mrs. Petra has a great team that will help you with financing.

Katarina Schutzova
Profesionalita, ústretovosť a skvelá komunikácia - to sú moje skúsenosti s Petrou. Splnila všetky očakávania, ktoré som mala od realitného makléra. Byt bol kvalitne odprezentovaný a obhliadky super zorganizované. Predal sa expresne rýchlo. Vrelo odporúčam, určite by som využila Petrine služby ešte raz. Ďakujem

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Professionalism, helpfulness and excellent communication - these are my experiences with Petra. She met all the expectations I had from a real estate agent. The apartment was well presented and the tours were well organized. It was sold express quickly. I highly recommend, I would definitely use Petra's services again. well thank you

Robert Toth
Petra je veľkÝ profík a nadšenec. Dokáže sa perfektné vcítiť do potrieb klienta a vie kedy aký argument použiť. V kľude sme zvládli nájsť kupcu a bez stresu zvládnuť aj celý následný proces predaja a prepisu nehnuteľnosti. #odporucam

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Petra is a great professional and enthusiast. He can perfectly empathize with the client's needs and knows when to use which argument. We calmly managed to find a buyer and handle the entire subsequent process of selling and transferring the property without stress. #recommend

Iveta Halfi
Som nesmierne vďačná za realitný proces a servis, ktorým ma táto úžasna osôbka previedla.

Svet realít a náročný proces - v mojom prípade predaj nehnuteľnosti v období, keď bol trh naklonený kupujúcim - mi bol objasnený, všetké (a nebolo ich málo) otázky zodpovedané...

Asi najväčšou výzvou bolo, že sa celý tento proces konal na diaľku (z UK) a absolútne som nemala pocit, že by to bol problém.

Naozaj od začiatku bolo poznať, že pre p. Petru ide o srdcovú záležitosť a čoho sa dotkla, premenila na efektívny proces s veľmi sofistikovanými metódami a skúsenosťami.

Je "iná" v tom najlepšom slova zmysle - je to poznať už pri prvom kontakte a samozrejme pri jej prezentačných videách.

Zhrnula by som to ako vysoko profesionálne služby a orientácia na pohodlie a spokojnosť klienta.

Je mi ľúto, že nemôžem dať viac ako päť hviezdičiek, dala by som ich minimálne milión!

Bolo mi cťou!!!

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I am extremely grateful for the real estate process and service that this wonderful person guided me through.

The world of real estate and the difficult process - in my case selling a property at a time when the market was in favor of buyers - was explained to me, all (and there were many) questions answered...

Probably the biggest challenge was that this whole process took place remotely (from the UK) and I had absolutely no feeling that it would be a problem.

It was known from the beginning that for Mr. For Petra, it is a matter of the heart and what she touched, she turned into an effective process with very sophisticated methods and experience.

She is "different" in the best sense of the word - you can tell from the first contact and of course from her presentation videos.

I would summarize it as highly professional services and an orientation towards the comfort and satisfaction of the client.

I'm sorry I can't give more than five stars, I would give at least a million!

It was an honor!!!

Patricia Gonci
Na Petru sme sa obrátili na odporúčanie našich známych a bola to naozaj najlepšia voľba. Prišla, byt si dôkladne prezrela, poradila pri nastavení ceny, fotenie a viedo zorganizovala za pár dní. Poprosila nás o pár slov,aby sa vo svojej práci mohla zlepšovať a posúvať ďalej,ja však za nás môžem povedať, že nie je jediná vec ktorú by sme od nej chceli alebo čakali inak. Jej profesionálny prístup s ľudským nádychom ocení určite každý.
Ďakujeme Peti.

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We turned to Petra on the recommendation of our friends and it was really the best choice. She came, inspected the apartment thoroughly, advised on setting the price, organized the photo shoot and tour in a few days. She asked us for a few words so that she could improve and move forward in her work, but I can say for us that there is not a single thing that we would like or expect from her differently. Her professional approach with a human touch will definitely be appreciated by everyone.
Thank you Peta.

Peter Babík
Pani realitná maklérka bola v prvom rade veľmi férová ku všetkým záujemcom, jej komunikácia bola bola jasná, promptná, vedela bez akýchkoľvek problémov zodpovedať všetky otázky ohľadne nehnuteľnosti. Taktiež si ceníme časovú ústretovosť na všetky schôdzky, keďže na časová flexibilita bola veľmi obmedzená. Veľmi príjemná spolupráca a perfektná komunikácia celý proces predaj/nákup uľahčila a všetko prebehlo hladko. Ďakujeme.

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The real estate agent was first of all very fair to all interested parties, her communication was clear and prompt, she could answer all questions about the property without any problems. We also appreciate the availability of time for all appointments, as time flexibility was very limited. Very pleasant cooperation and perfect communication made the whole sale/purchase process easier and everything went smoothly. We thank you.

Barbora Diňová
Petra nám pomáhala s výberom nášho nového bývania. Musíme oceniť veľmi promptnú komunikáciu, ústretovosť a poskytnutie cenných rád a skúseností a veľmi milý prístup. Bez problémov poskytnuté konzultácie aj mimo pracovnej doby :)Vzhľadom na tieto skúsenosti môžeme len odporúčať.Ďakujeme.

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Petra helped us choose our new home. We have to appreciate the very prompt communication, the helpfulness and provision of valuable advice and experience and the very kind attitude. Consultations provided without problems even outside working hours :) Due to these experiences, we can only recommend. Thank you.

Miloss Krizan
S Petrou sa pozname roky a velmi sme sa potesili, ked sme mohli predaj nasej nehnutlenosti zverit jej, pretoze vieme, ze k svojej praci pristupuje profesionalne, transparentne, zodpovedne a s vasnou.

V apartmane sme mali stalych podnajomcov a preto sme zo zaciatku nechceli homestaging. Ale nakoniec sme boli radi, ze nas Petrin pristup presvedcil a okrem stagingu, sme si dali nehnutelnost profesionalne nafotit a natocit. Tento zasadny krok bol velky benefit, za ktory sme Petre vdacni, pretoze priniesol ovela vacsi pocet zaujemcov nie len zo Slovenska.

Pocas celeho procesu sme nemuseli pohnut prstom, Petra nam usetrila vela casu, penazi a energie. Vo svojom pristupe ku klientom dava latku neporovnatelne vysoko oproti inym maklerom, s ktorymi mame skusenost.

Na Petru je 120% spolah, preto sa urcite aj v buducnosti obratime na nu.

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We have known Petra for years and we were very happy when we could entrust the sale of our property to her, because we know that she approaches her work professionally, transparently, responsibly and with passion.

We had permanent subtenants in the apartment, which is why we didn't want homestaging from the beginning. But in the end, we were glad that Petra's approach convinced us and, in addition to staging, we had the property professionally photographed and filmed. This fundamental step was a great benefit, for which we are grateful to Petra, because it brought a much larger number of interested parties not only from Slovakia.

We didn't have to lift a finger during the whole process, Petra saved us a lot of time, money and energy. In his approach to clients, he sets the bar incomparably high compared to other brokers with whom we have experience.

We have 120% trust in Petra, so we will certainly turn to her in the future.

Zuzana Kupcová
Petra nam pomohla sa zorientovat v dynamickom svete nehnutelnosti. jej osobny pristup, cenne rady a skusenosti boli nenahraditelne pri vybere vhodneho bytu na podnikanie. ak hladate cloveka, ktory sa snazi najst pre kazdeho to prave podla jeho poziadaviek vrelo odporucam!

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Petra helped us navigate the dynamic world of real estate. her personal approach, valuable advice and experience were irreplaceable when choosing a suitable apartment for business. if you are looking for a person who tries to find the right one for everyone according to their requirements, I highly recommend it!

Anna Monhartová
Ďakujem za pomoc pri hľadaní vhodnej nehnuteľnosti.